Birds that cannot tolerate cold in winter.

 Birds that cannot tolerate cold in winter.

Many birds find the winter weather intolerable, so some of them migrate to tropical or warmer regions. Here are a few instances of birds that cannot withstand the cold:

Birds that cannot tolerate cold in winter.

The Red Tailed Swallow or Barn Swallow, scientific name Hirundo rustica, is a type of migratory bird that cannot tolerate winter.  This bird is comfortable in warm summer environment and lack of food and cold weather in winter is a big challenge for them.  Because of this, the red-tailed hawk migrates from colder regions to warmer tropical regions during the winter.
 Red-tailed shearwaters typically summer in parts of Europe, Asia, and North America.  In early winter they migrate to warmer areas in Africa, South Asia, and South America.  During this time they mainly live around open bodies of water and farmland, where their favorite food insects are readily availableoften

Birds that cannot tolerate cold in winter.

The Oriental Magpie Robin is a well-known bird of South and Southeast Asia.   These birds struggle to survive the winter and are usually found in warm, flat areas.   Their natural food sources, insects and small insects, are not easily accessible in winter and freezing temperatures make it difficult for them to live a normal life.   Thus they favor warm or temperate climates for the most part.
  Oriental Magpies Because of their small bodies, robins require a lot of energy to stay warm.   In winter they face extreme cold and lack of food.   For this reason, they migrate to relatively warmer areas in winter or take shelter near homesteads and dense forests, where winters are less frequent.
  Especially in winter, this bird is often seen in gardens, parks and rural areas.

Birds that cannot tolerate cold in winter.

The scientific name for the watercock is Gallicrex cinerea, a waterfowl that primarily lives in the warm, humid climates of Asia.   This bird finds it difficult to survive and feed in cold weather as it cannot tolerate cold.   Therefore, watercocks either migrate to warmer climates. 
  Farmland, ponds, paddy fields, and moist areas rich in insects, aquatic plants, and small fish are preferred habitats for watercocks.   These food sources decrease in winter and the cold temperatures make it difficult for them to regulate their body temperature.   To avoid winter, watercocks migrate to warmer regions of South Asia, especially Bangladesh, India and other warmer regions of Southeast Asia.

Birds that cannot tolerate cold in winter.

Pied harriers can easily hunt insects, reptiles, and small mammals in pastures, marshes, and open fields, so pied harriers generally prefer to stay in these areas.   At the onset of winter, they move from the cooler regions of North Asia to the warmer regions of South Asia, including Bangladesh, India and Southeast Asia.
  The winter migration of these birds is essential to their survival because their body structure and lifestyle are suited to warm, temperate climates.

Birds that cannot tolerate cold in winter.

The scientific name of cuckoo is Cuculus canorus.  Cuckoos get cold in winter and have less food available for them, which makes it difficult for them to survive.   As a result, they are unable to withstand the cold and generally migrate to warmer regions during the winter.
  Originally from Europe, Asia and Africa, the common cuckoo spends the winter in warmer regions or along the coasts of India, Bangladesh and Southeast Asia.   For this migration they can easily find food, warm weather and comfortable living conditions, which are very important for them during winter.Read More..

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